OKAY.com’s New Online Property Search App

發佈日期: Sep 25 2020最後更新日期: Sep 25 2020

Hong Kong property

25 September 2020 - Buying or renting a new home in Hong Kong can become a truly daunting experience made all the more difficult given recent social distancing measures. Finding the right place at the right price requires extremely accurate and detailed information. And while the large number highly professional real estate agents in Hong Kong are there to help prospective buyers or renters, there are also a number of dedicated apps that the public can use to help get the entire search process started.

OKAY.com’s APP

The latest addition to the app search market comes from OKAY.com, with its multi- functional search tool providing an effective way to wade through thousands of available properties while everyone is still burdened with social distancing restrictions during the current viral pandemic. It has emerged as a great real estate apps of 2020.

OKAY.com’s innovative application was the result of major consumer and market research, building on the best features of existing apps and raising the standard even higher. The OKAY.com online search tool now makes hunting for a new flat a much more pleasurable task and eliminates many of the pitfalls of going it alone.

Superior app functionality

OKAY.com’s free app features a fast upload to any smart phone and is a powerful and flexible reference guide that put house hunters’ minds at ease in Hong Kong.

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Innovative design

OKAY.com has engineered a host of map innovations including a nifty 'location-aware' function and a geographic search guide. This significantly raises the bar in terms of enhancing the general search process.

Searches can be customised to the finest detail. First set the district where you want to move, then input a desire to rent or buy, and determine the price that suits your budget best. You also get to finalize the size of your desired unit, and the number bedrooms. There is an option setting as well for home type i.e. - apartment, duplex, triplex, etc. All of these settings can then be stored for your future use.

The OKAY.com app boasts a database of over 6,000 properties, providing a wealth of search possibilities. Moreover, the app continually searches and uploads the latest property listings, a great advantage to avoid missing out on the flat of your dreams. A smart pop-up indicator function also provides immediate notifications when any properties hit the market at a reduced price.

hong kong property

Stunning professional photos

The photos on the OKAY.com app are of the highest quality, so there is no mistaking how a prospective place will appear. Important information is listed as well with clear, easy-to-read details.

OKAY.com‘s app designer noted that - "Following over a year of research and gathering of a wide range of preferences from the public, we set out to develop the very best real estate app for home buyers as well as those wishing to rent. With adverse circumstances affecting everyone in society, we hope this new search app will make the entire process of moving to a new home more convenient and pleasurable."

The free OKAY.com app downloads quickly and easily onto any Apple or Android smartphone. For app download, please visit https://bit.ly/364sLFx.

property app Hong Kong




在熙熙攘攘的香港,有幾座迷人的離島,為您提供寧靜一隅,遠離都市煩囂。從寧靜的愉景灣到風景如畫的大嶼山,再到充滿活力的長洲,這些迷人的離島最適合熱愛自然美景、想要放鬆身心和體驗當地文化遊人提供完美的渡假勝地。本文將介紹香港最迷人的離島,包括愉景灣、大嶼山、南丫島、長洲、馬灣和東涌。愉景灣: 大嶼山的渡假天堂愉景灣是位於大嶼山的東北海岸的一塊隱秘寶地,以白沙海灘、翠綠林景和田園渡假風的社區而聞名。從市中心乘坐渡輪前往愉景灣只需 25 分鐘。愉景灣也提供一系列休閒活動,包括登山遠足徑、水上運動、高爾
作者: OKAY.com

2023 年香港教育就學指南:本地學校與國際學校概覽

在競爭激烈的香港,家長都會面臨同樣的教育苦惱,究竟選擇本地學校還是國際學校?為子女選擇合適的學校非常重要,因為教育會塑造孩子的未來。在本文中,我們將幫助您了解這兩種教育體系之間的差異並權衡利弊,為您孩子的教育做出明智的選擇。概覽: 本地學校與國際學校有什麽區別?先從最基本的開始講起。香港的本地學校就像是幼稚園的延伸。本地學校的學制為六年,主要以中文授課,偶爾輔以普通話和英文。家長通常需要在孩子讀到幼兒園 K3 時選擇一所本地學校。這些學校主要採用本地課程,但也有一些政府資助的學校提供國際課程的
作者: OKAY.com


OKAY.COM 手機程式 - iOS 蘋果應用程式商店OKAY.COM 手機程式 - Android 安卓應用程式商店
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