5 Reasons Why You Might be Happier Living in Happy Valley

發佈日期: Oct 16 2018最後更新日期: Oct 10 2019

(Photo credit: Telegraph.co.uk)

10 October 2019 - What is happiness? The answer varies for everyone. But one thing we can all agree on is that having peace of mind does a world of good for us. For some people, residing in one of the farther reaches of Hong Kong is the best way to unwind. But what if you could find a quiet escape yet have the convenience of a short commute and easily enjoy some of the best things Hong Kong has to offer? Happy Valley encompasses both and might be the answer to where you live next. 

Happy Valley is one of Hong Kong’s most iconic districts.  Originally a marshland used for rice fields, it became the site of a British army camp in 1840. It was then drained in the late 1840s and the racecourse was established shortly thereafter.  Over the decades, Happy Valley has evolved to have its own character, combining some of Hong Kong’s colonial past with a colorful array of Chinese eateries and neighborhood shops. 

We've compiled 5 reasons why Happy Valley is today one of the most popular residential districts for both expats and locals.


1. Selectively Secluded

Is there such a thing as “too convenient” when deciding where to live? For some people, there can be.

While it can be practical to reduce your commuting time by living in the heart of a business district or next to a major MTR station, some people prefer to get away from the crowds.  Escaping the bustle of the city is often a key factor in choosing a residence and being able to relax in one’s free time. 
If you’re one of these people, then living in Happy Valley could be what you’re looking for. Although close to the hubs of Causeway Bay, Wanchai and Central (all are within a 5-15 minute tram or mini-bus ride) the absence of an MTR station has preserved the neighborhood feel and more laid-back pace of Happy Valley.
As a residential area, Happy Valley offers the rare combination of both serenity and proximity to primary business and shopping centres, enabling you to either escape the action of the city or be part of it when you want to. 

2. Affordably Luxurious


Happy Valley is regarded by many as a “luxury district”. You might ask, “How about The Peak?” While there are certainly more exclusive residential districts, many local celebrities and successful business families choose to live in Happy Valley because of its affordability. Spending a smaller portion of your income on your rent or mortgage allows one to accumulate wealth, while also having less financial stress. Properties in Happy Valley generally cost much less than in other luxury districts. 

For example, this 2-bedroom 2-bathroom apartment at 1-1A Sing Woo Crescent is priced at HK$21,970 per square foot - lower than many comparable properties in the mid-levels or similar areas. Something to smile for, indeed.


3. A Spectrum of Culinary options

Tough day at work? No worries. Treat yourself with amazing food around the corner. Happy Valley is known for being the home to many hidden culinary gems. Sip some fine wine as you immerse yourself in the sophisticated and romantic atmosphere at Amigo, one of the most famous French restaurants in Hong Kong. Fancy something local? Try Cheng Hing Coffee Shop, a bona fide “Cha Chaan Teng” with over 50 years of history. With an array of restaurants and bars to choose from, the quiet area has its own unique charm with a wide variety of options to please your palate.

What’s more, Happy Valley has a relatively low population density, which paradoxically means that it feels more like a neighbourhood and comes with a strong sense of community. Not many places in Hong Kong offer the neighbourhood vibe where we, as social animals, ultimately thrive best.


4. Popular with Pets

After a long day, you’re ready to get home to your family which might include your canine (or feline) members. Happy Valley is a very pet-friendly district with generally higher-efficiency units (i.e. larger net sizes, like this apartment at The Leighton Hill) that not only provide more room for families, but also for your pet.

It’s no secret that pets tend to be happier when they have more space, just like people. In Happy Valley, we’re sure that your four-legged friends will be thanking you!


5. Racecourse within arm's reach

Lastly, the highlight of Happy Valley: The Racecourse. Where else on Hong Kong Island can you find a racecourse as your entertainment for the night? Enjoy a fun night full of heart-pounding moments and live action - who knows, you might even win some extra cash as well. Or simply enjoy watching the races from the comfort of your own home, glass of wine in hand.  And with open access to the public, it doubles as a great fitness track at your doorstep to clear your head the next day.


If you’re looking to find out more about Happy Valley’s many residential options, give us a call at OKAY.com – we’re here to help.




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作者: OKAY.com

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作者: OKAY.com


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