
标签: Joshua Han Miller

How Will the Extradition Bill Affect the Hong Kong Property Market?

17 July 2019 - The recent and ongoing protests surrounding the proposed extradition bill have rocked the city and the international community.  There have been innumerable media reports describing how political motives could lead to manipulation of the legal process and unwarranted extradition. This article won’t duplicate this coverage but will
作者: Joshua Han Miller

(How) Will the US-China Trade War Impact Hong Kong’s Property Markets?

5 July 2019 - I remember the initial skirmishes of the US-China trade disputes well. A seemingly innocuous and isolated tariff on solar panels was the first move made by US President Donald Trump in January 2018.  This was then followed by a series of tariffs and threats of further tariffs on goods ranging from steel to batteries to TVs – covering
作者: Joshua Han Miller

Buying company-owned properties in Hong Kong

17 May 2019 - When investing in real estate, stamp duties are perhaps the most significant add-on costs, and it is often the primary consideration when buying any property. A common, tax favourable approach is to buy a company that, in turn, owns a property.  However there are pros and cons to this approach and it is important for potential homebu
作者: Joshua Han Miller

小型代理行棄地舖 OKAY.com逆市擴充

2019年2月4日- 【明報專訊】過去數月樓市調整,不少大型代理行都暫停擴充或讓員工自然流失,不過,主要以網上運作的OKAY.com(中文名為屋企),去年卻逆市擴充,人手增加五成之多,今年更有計劃再增聘約六成人手,該行稱公司客群主要為高購買力人士,受到樓市影響較少。成立於2011年的OKAY.com,有別於市場上大部分的代理行,不設地舖,僅在中環、銅鑼灣及愉景灣3處設有辦公室,OKAY.com行政總裁孫漢忠(Joshua Han Miller)表示,該行目前代理人數約有120人,單是過去一年已增加了五成,目標今年內增加至約200人。上述3間辦公室中,有1間於去年新增,公司計劃於今年內再增設新的共享辦公室,目標地點為港島西及九龍區。 擬年內增聘六成人手 增設共享辦公室能夠在逆市中擴充,孫漢忠
作者: Joshua Han Miller

Property owners should manage their expectations

13 December 2018 - According to the Rating and Valuation Department’s residential property price index, Hong Kong residential prices rose by 10% in the first seven months of this year before plateauing in August – the first month not to record an increase since March 2016. Since then, the overall property price index has fallen 3.7%, signalling a
作者: Joshua Han Miller

Hong Kong Property Market Corrections

15 November 2018 - The recent market sentiment is one of uncertainty with expectations of a correction. News of landlords slashing prices are reported almost daily and market analysts are speculating on the magnitude of a property market downturn. In general, a 5 to 15% decline is considered a technical correction (we’ve seen three in the last ei
作者: Joshua Han Miller

“High Mortgage” Plans: A Double-Edged Sword?

5 October 2018 - At the time of writing this column, HSBC has just raised the prime rate for the first time in a decade, from 5% to 5.125%.  This was not unexpected, though officially signals that we’re at the end of a long cycle of cheap financing.  Facing the start of a new interest rate environment, should buyers choose high mortgage plans to
作者: Joshua Han Miller

In the News: Are Property Agencies Finally Shaping Up?

11 September 2018 - One of Hong Kong’s largest property agencies recently stated that out of the 160,000 second-hand property listings online, only about 10,000 are “real” i.e. actually on the market for sale or lease.  This PR announcement also declared that they plan to eliminate thousands of fake listings on their website and although it’s unc
作者: Joshua Han Miller

Why is Hong Kong Housing so Expensive?

13 August 2018 - Whether you’re talking price-per-square-foot or affordability, Hong Kong is known as one of the most expensive housing markets worldwide. According to a recent report by the UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index, you’ll need 20 years of income to purchase a home in Hong Kong—compared to 16 years in London, and 11 years in Singapore
作者: Joshua Han Miller

OKAY.com Property CEO Joshua Han Miller Appears on ViuTVsix

13 July 2018 - OKAY.com property CEO Joshua Han Miller appears on ViuTVsix News at prime time for his views on Carrie Lam's latest property comments.
作者: Joshua Han Miller
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