
標籤: Sai Kung

Sai Kung offers perfect opportunity to get away from it all

28 April 2017- Reasons we love Sai Kung? Our Sai Kung Expert, Soi M. Schmeelke-Puan explains on South China Morning Post that, "compared with traditional expat neighbouthoods on Hong Kong Island, Sai Kung homes are generally more affordable." She explains that with the continuous development of Kowloon East as the second central business district,
作者: Soi M Schmeelke-Puan

Searching for Suburbia: Why city dwellers are flocking to HK's "Back Garden”

15 January 2015 - In the past, families relocating to Hong Kong would typically choose to live in the city center to be near amenities like eateries, shops, schools, and workplaces in the central business districts on Hong Kong Island. More recently, however, there has been an increasing trend of newcomers settling directly in more remote areas li
作者: Soi M Schmeelke-Puan


2014年10月17日 - 西貢區的相思灣一幢單號臨海村屋,最近以1.3億元易手,村屋建築面積2,100方呎,附設入契大花園及裝修,建築呎價折合約61,905元,做價及呎價均創全港村屋新高。 代理表示,該村屋的買家,於各區物色物業逾一年,因心儀上址環境,加上同類物業罕有,故決定入市。原業主則於2006年以超過3,400萬元購入上址,期內升值近2.8倍。 按此了解詳情。
作者: OKAY.com

內地客1億豪掃西貢村屋 每呎2.4萬元

2014年6月18日 - 近日有內地買家趁淡市斥資近1億元,一併購入西貢相思灣路兩幢村屋,兩幢村屋,合共面積4,200方呎,折合呎價約2.38萬元。有關成交分別為相思灣一個雙號C及D座村屋,面積各2,100方呎,C屋座落單邊,擁有面積約1萬方呎的曲尺巨大花園,當中大部份屬入契花園,只有少部份屬租借地,因而份外矜貴,花園除建有私家泳池外,還可停泊至少10輛車。 據了解,C屋原業主為外籍人士,2006年以2,100萬元購入,現以近7,000萬元易手,賺近4,900萬元。毗鄰的D屋,花園面積僅約2,000方呎,作價近4,000萬元,原業主為另一外籍人士,2003年以599萬元購入,是次沽售賬面賺約3,400萬元。 請按此瀏覽西貢及清水灣區豪宅。
作者: OKAY.com
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