Moving to Hong Kong with Kids

发布日期: Dec 16 2016最后更新日期: Dec 16 2016
Moving to Hong Kong is far from cost-effective. Add in an entire family unit with young children in tow and the move becomes all the more complicated in terms of logistics. Be it education, living space and the process of acculturation, this guide aims to provide a few pointers which will inform your move.   
Prior to departure with guaranteed employment prospects in Hong Kong, appeal to your employer’s sense of largesse. Leverage your skillset and experience for employment benefits relating to your children. Yes, Hong Kong is renowned for its low income tax rates, public safety and business friendly practices. However this veritable hub of human activity breeds competition and in relation to your children, this means scarce school places and corresponding sky-high fees. Despite the high concentration of international schools in Hong Kong catering to American, English, Australian, Japanese, German and even Canadian curriculums, waiting lists, high entry requirements and assessments abound for prospective students. Were your company able to contribute to school fees or better yet, guarantee a place for your child through existing debentures already in place, your move will invoke considerably less hassle.
Local schools are also a viable alternative in the Hong Kong education system. That being said communication may prove an insurmountable barrier. Depending on the age of your children, placing them within a reputable local school from an early age can impart guaranteed Chinese language abilities. On the other hand, if you are not acquainted with the language yourself, you will have to allot a considerable amount of money to tutoring expenses since the local education curriculum is onerous, time intensive and demanding. For older expat children schooled in English, this is not an actionable alternative.
The timing of your move will also affect your children’s educational curriculum. Generally speaking under international schools, exams which count towards university entry requirements take place in year 11 and year 13. Therefore to minimize the sense of disruption on your child (or rather teenager) in their formative years, it is important to ensure that they are admitted to their school of choice before these crucial periods of examination. For public high schools this also applies where students must enter the local school system by year 10 prior to the public examination period. This of course is less stringent for primary school and kindergarten placements. 
As a bastion for public safety and an international cultural hub, it is relatively easy to acculturate to Hong Kong seeing as English is also an official language. For parents with young children, Hong Kong has the added benefit of providing reasonable prices for au pairs and tutors. Unfortunately, baby sitting or part-time help is not commonplace. Therefore those looking to hire part time care for their children may struggle and instead have to rely on full time helpers.
Living Space
In terms of city living, parents may balk at the lack of living space. Those who can afford to may still look to more tranquil surroundings both on and off Hong Kong Island. Repulse Bay and Stanley offer seaside panoramas and watersports activities which appeal to young families, Discovery Bay on Lantau Island offers a genuine sense of suburban living for those looking to raise their children within an island community. Clearwater Bay, Sai Kung and the Gold Coast on Kowloon side, offer further options with relatively “cheaper” housing costs, catering to those with large families. Look to our piece on Family Friendly Neighborhoods in Hong Kong as well as our breakdown of house prices in different districts of Hong Kong for more information.  



在熙熙攘攘的香港,有几座迷人的离岛,为您提供宁静一隅,远离都市烦嚣。从宁静的愉景湾到风景如画的大屿山,再到充满活力的长洲,这些迷人的离岛最适合热爱自然美景、想要放松身心和体验当地文化游人提供完美的渡假胜地。本文将介绍香港最迷人的离岛,包括愉景湾、大屿山、南丫岛、长洲、马湾和东涌。愉景湾: 大屿山的渡假天堂愉景湾是位于大屿山的东北海岸的一块隐秘宝地,以白沙海滩、翠绿林景和田园渡假风的社区而闻名。从市中心乘坐渡轮前往愉景湾只需 25 分钟。愉景湾也提供一系列休闲活动,包括登山远足径、水上运动、高尔

2023 年香港教育就学指南:本地学校与国际学校概览

在竞争激烈的香港,家长都会面临同样的教育苦恼,究竟选择本地学校还是国际学校?为子女选择合适的学校非常重要,因为教育会塑造孩子的未来。在本文中,我们将帮助您了解这两种教育体系之间的差异并权衡利弊,为您孩子的教育做出明智的选择。概览: 本地学校与国际学校有什么区别? 先从最基本的开始讲起。香港的本地学校就像是幼稚园的延伸。本地学校的学制为六年,主要以中文授课,偶尔辅以普通话和英文。家长通常需要在孩子读到幼儿园 K3 时选择一所本地学校。这些学校主要采用本地课程,但也有一些政府资助的学校提供国际课程


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