
标签: buy property in hong kong

Achieve Your Hong Kong Property Goals for 2018: Here’s How…

29 January 2018 - It may be one month into the new year, but it’s never too late to set goals. While you probably don’t need to be reminded to get fit, eat healthy, and spend more time with your family in the new year, you may need new year’s resolution ideas for your Hong Kong home. Here are some new year’s resolutions for tenants, first-time ho
作者: OKAY.com


2018年1月25日 - 香港樓市升勢不絕,樓價持續破頂,令不少準買家難以入市,只能靜候調整週期的良機。對於樓市週期的長短,眾說紛紜,有說平均20年一轉,也有13年、7年一個循環的說法。普遍分析認為香港從1965年起至今共經歷三大週期:第一週期(1965-1981年)、第二週期(1981-1997年)及第三週期(1997年至今),而影響樓市的因素離不開政治及經濟。以下是三大週期的資料及分析: 第一週期(1965年至1981年) 自第二次世界大戰後,香港人口急升,房屋需求強大,帶動租金飆升。1953年起,香港工業起飛,經濟轉型並開始復甦,地產商亦開始接受以分期付款方式買樓,令物業銷售越趨活躍,樓市暢旺令香港樓價在1965年達至高峰。1966年中國爆發文化大革命,政治局勢動盪,香港亦受波及;次
作者: OKAY.com

Hong Kong Property Market Forecast 2018

25 January 2018 - As expected, the 2017 residential housing market ended strong, with first-hand and second-hand property sales valued at HK$15.8 billion and HK$26.1 billion respectively, bringing the annual residential unit transaction amount to HK$556 billion—a 30 per cent surge compared to 2016.  Since the second half of 2017, analysts have be
作者: OKAY.com

Tips for First-hand & Second-hand Property Inspection for Home Buyers

Prevent the nightmarish scenario of endless home repairs: before closing the deal on purchasing a property, conduct a thorough home inspection. A round of quality home inspection could identify a property’s imperfections at the time of acquisition, so the buyer and seller can agree on the party responsible for restoration. You may take it for gra
作者: OKAY.com

Pros and Cons of Buying Property with Joint Funds

With no sign of a cooling property market, many people in Hong Kong are resorting to purchasing property with joint funds—the purchase of a property by two or more parties, such as friends, families or relatives, who share the loan and ownership. But is buying properties with joint funds really the answer to home ownership? We look at the potenti
作者: OKAY.com

A Guide to Hong Kong's Real Estate System and Property Tax

1. Land Holdings and Registration Systems1.1 Land holdingsAll land in Hong Kong is owned by the People’s Republic of China as State property and is managed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Government) under the Basic Law of Hong Kong.Land identified as suitable for private development is sold by the Government thro
作者: Hilary Cordell
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